If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact our Legislative Action Representative:

Sandy Hayes sandyrhayes@gmail.com 

Legislative Platform

The Washington State PTA 2023-2024 WSPTA Legislative Platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle. In the even-numbered years, the new platform is voted on by members at the legislative assembly in the fall. The top five issues become our short-term platform and consist of our priority issues when advocating throughout the year. Other issues are placed on an “also supported” list.

During the odd-numbered years, members vote to amend current issues or to add new, emerging issues to the also supported list. Each issue has a corresponding handout located in the dropdown that can be downloaded and used when advocating.

How did Washington State PTA legislative positions and resolutions do in the 2023 session? For an overview, take a look at the slides from our legislative consultant Marie Sullivan’s post-session debrief which includes hyperlinks to bills and budget documents. For a more detailed report, check out the 2023 Legislative Scorecard created by Marie. The scorecard includes the major policy bills and budget related to adopted legislative positions and resolutions


The Legislative Assembly took place in October 2022 at Bellevue College and virtually on the Whova Platform.

The Top Five Legislative Priorities to focus on were determined to be:

1) Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis

2) Addressing critical gaps in Education Funding

3) Preventing and reducing gun violence and suicides

4) Addressing funding, inclusion, and supports in Special Education

5) Building and maintaining safer school facilities.

Also Supported (listed alphabetically)

  • Creating a Diverse and Effective Educator Workforce
  • Expanding School Construction Funding Options
  • Harnessing the Benefits of Mastery-based Learning
  • Improving Equitable Identification and Access for Highly Capable Students
  • Increasing Education Equity by Closing the Digital Divide
  • Increasing Support for Equitable Family Engagement
  • Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change
  • Supporting a Meaningful High School Diploma

(More details on each of the Top Five Legislative Priorities and Supported Issues above. WSPTA Advocacy page.)

Have you ever attended a School Board meeting?

They can be quite informative and insightful as to the happenings in our district. Meetings are held in person (NSD, 3330 Monte Villa Pkwy, Bothell) or can be watched later once the session is recorded.

Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 4 p.m. and the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

School Board meeting schedule and info about how to attend a meeting

Past meetings and documents

Meet the School Board

Helpful Advocacy Links

Washington State PTA Advocacy Site
National PTA Advocacy Site and Policy Agenda
National PTA Advocacy Toolkit


Voter Registration

Are you registered for the next election? Register to vote with the Washington Secretary of State here.